
605 Grand Avenue Spencer, Iowa 51301

Now located on the 2nd Floor of Grand Ave Community Outreach Center (old Tangney Hotel)
Support for unplanned pregnancy


328 Grand Avenue Spencer, Iowa 51301

CHI is Iowa’s largest nonprofit developer of affordable housing.

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605 Grand Avenue, Spencer, Iowa 51301


Monday & Thursday
5:00-6:30 PM
In the east dining area on the 1st floor of Grand Ave Community Outreach (old Tangney Hotel)

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605 Grand Avenue Spencer, Iowa 51301

Provides social services, donated clothes, medical services
Formerly Spencer Dream Center (located in the old Tangney Hotel)

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605 Grand Avenue Spencer, Iowa 51301

Food & Clothing Outreach inside Grand Avenue Community Outreach

Free food (in cooperation with the Food Bank of Iowa) and clothing to individuals in need on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month from 2 – 5 PM.

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103 East 4th Street Spencer, Iowa 51301

Masons, Eastern Star

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104 East 1st Street, Spencer, Iowa 51301

(Old Middle School) That offers a venue for gatherings, parties, exercise classes, pool

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101 West 5th Street PO Box 7937 Spencer, Iowa 51301
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120 West 4th Street Spencer, Iowa 51301

A Mission Outreach of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa. They offer art, books, coffee, after school programs and worship services & workshops. *They now also offer rentable space for parties and events for a freewill donation.

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